Adult Education Workshop:

Class Justice and Our Community


Session One:

How do we talk about class?

Inspired by and adapted from the Class Conscious curriculum by Suzanne Zilber, in session one we explore terminology around class and economic issues. Then, we dive a little deeper into our own personal backgrounds and relationships to class and status.


Session Two:


To talk about such a big issue, we need to have a grasp on the facts. This session explores economic justice on a national and global level, introducing historical data and present-day statistics. Discussions help us grasp how issues of class are deeply intersectional with other forms of oppression. At the end of this workshop, we seek to reframe privilege as the power to help others.


Session Three:

Community Introspection

How does all of this information apply to us as Unitarian Universalists? And now that we know more, what can we do with this information? This session helps us as a community to identify areas of growth and concrete areas to advance our inclusivity. The exercises also provide guidance for individual behaviors at each level of class privilege.

Interested in using this resource? Contact me for speaker notes and more information.


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